My Service Roles
Insurance Agent licensed to sell and service life, health and variable insurance products through New York Life Insurance Company, its subsidiaries and other non-affiliated companies in several states.
Registered Representative (Registered Rep) licensed to offer financial and investment products through NYLIFE Securities, LLC in several states.
Registered Investment Adviser Representative (IAR) offering financial planning and investment advisory services through Eagle Strategies LLC. in several states.
Depending on your needs, I may fill one or more of these roles while working with you. I will start by working to fully understand your current circumstances; your hopes, dreams and goals for the future; and your personal values. When I really understand you, I will be in position to use my technical expertise and common-sense experience to provide the best advice to you and to determine which roles fit your situation.
Eagle Strategies Advisor (IAR)
Comprehensive fee-based financial planning process and/or investment advisory services which are designed to address some or all of the following areas of focus:
Net Worth Analysis
Cash-flow Analysis
Investment Planning
Retirement Planning
Business Continuation Strategies
Estate Planning Strategies
Risk Management Planning
Charitable Planning
This process includes working with you to:
Assess your current financial situation,
Understand and prioritize your objectives,
Develop suitable strategies,
Take action to meet your goals in a coordinated way,
Analyze current investments,
Provide portfolio guidance ,
Periodically review and monitor your progress toward your goals, and
Respond to new problems in an extremely timely manner.
Registered Representative of NYLIFE Securities
Offering commissioned or fee-based investment and financial products and services, including:
Assessment of your current situation,
Evaluation of your tolerance for investment risk,
Understanding and prioritization of your financial goals,
Recommendation of suitable investment alternatives,
Broad spectrum of proprietary and non-proprietary investment products,
Variety of account titling types, and
Periodic review of your accounts and your investment performance.
Insurance Agent for New York Life and Other Carriers
Acting as a commissioned insurance agent to handle insurance needs as they arise including:
Reviewing of current insurance policies,
Evaluating coverage needs,
Meeting service needs for existing policies,
Addressing coverage shortfalls,
Recommending appropriate insurance products,
Implementing and structuring new policies effectively, and
Providing insurance products needed to complete a comprehensive plan.
**Neither New York life Insurance Company, nor its agents, provides tax, legal or accounting advice. Please consult your own tax, legal, or accounting professionals before making any decisions.